July TBR Challenges and June Updates


So June was a tough month with a lot of deadlines and a desire for cloning me. Sadly that request was refused on grounds of ethics and budgets - fools! I have had my head in spreadsheets and lots and lots…and lots of meetings. I have managed a lovely trip to the regenerated Edge-Lit and as of the time of writing I complete my Subjective Chaos Nominee reading and that means quite a bit of freedom from next month to read my own choices of books. Its as always been a great experience but I think six years in I can have a time-out for a few years and leave in capable judge’s hands. Expect news of our finalists soon!

The TBR Update

By the end of June I’ve read

TBR - 31

ARCs - 69

A grand total of 100! July is very SCKA deadline nominated but now epxect me to tackle all sorts of books

Lets move onto the Challenges

For the main tasks

let’s go travelling find a book by the author who lives the furthest from you on the globe. I give you seven months to do the maths! Let’s explore the fiction of places very much not like our own.

I strongly beleive that learning to explore other persoectives is what reading si all about so for this one I wanted you to look at a place so far from your own terms of reference and see what it means for you. For me that’s a trip to Australia and The Animals In That Country by Laura Jean McKay which I’ve had on my radar for some time.

and for our stretch goal

strike back by having a tale with an empire featuring heavily in it. Julius C would be proud of you

Babel by RF Kuang which I have been meaning to get into for agggggges.

July is about getting a little breathing space for the year ahead. I’m looking forward to it

As always tell me your choices in the comments or the Twitter/Mastodon/Threads/Instagram/Carrier Pigeon of your choice