Nine Weeks In Middle Earth - Week 7

Things are ramping up! This week sees the end of The Two Towers and The Return of the King starts. Overall a sense of things coming to a head and actually some experimentation in the writing which is welcome!

Chapter 9 - Shelob’s Lair aka Release the Arachnid!

It’s quite impressive how Tolkien can when he puts his mind to it write horror and the sense of our Hobbitses in the dark being preyed on by an immensely alien, evil and malignant force really works. Shelob is not a monster they’re described more an unknowable cosmic horror. One that only pure light can stop. Tolkien gives Shelob a purpose and a voice they’re quite formidable. Just when we think they’ve won she strikes back and we also get Sam and Gollum finally having the fight they both wanted. Sam’s passion really comes across. This is a very good chapter.

Chapter 10 - The Choices of Master Samwise aka Frodo is Mostly dead

As a cliffhanging end of volume scene this is very much how to do it. We have the effective emotional notes of Frodo being found dead, Sam takes on Shelob and amazingly he pushes her back and injures her - he is no simple Hobbit once angry. Sam then becomes a ring-bearer and the weight of that sits on him hard. All that is finely done and then to twist the knife we find Frodo is actually alive and now in orc hands! That definitely makes you want to read on.

Chapter 1 - Minas Tirith aka ah geography lessons

So much description again to underline what Minas Tirith is like. Another what is a hobbit scene and just when I was getting bored we meet Denethor. A really unusual human character who seems to match Gandalf for rudeness and a sense of power. Compared to Theoden even though not a King (ish) he radiates power and seems to know a lot. A unusually complex characetr for Tolkien again compared to the more black and white ones so far met. I also liked the way we realise Mordor is on the doorstep here and everyone feels it - this is the point war comes and that makes the stakes here feel high.

Chapter 2 - The Passing of the Grey Company aka I believe in Ghosts

An odd chapter. Aragorn meets some of his fellow rangers and gets told to visit the Paths of the Dead. It’s a bit like what myth can I bolt on at the last minute? How about a cursed undead army? A bit of local myth retelling and a quick argument with Eowyn about where her place in battle is. For me less creepy and more plot gear changes so less effective.

Chapter 3 - The Muster of Rohan aka Horse-riding

Ok very little here to focus on. merry gets told he isn’t fighting. There is some walking and riding. A suspicously familiar soldier named Dernhelm and we are done. This moves from a to b and that is about it.

Chapter 4 - The Siege of Gondor aka The Fan is Getting Hit

This chapter has atmosphere in spades of a battle about to start. Then we see it hit outside Minas Tirith and the enemy are helped by Nazgul. We get Gandalf doing his epic magic light show and we see Faramir and Denethor clearly have issues. Gandalf then goes into a row with the Steward about trust and that puts things into interesting perspectives as to whom we can trust. When Faramir gets lost in battle things are looking very bleak indeed and a siege has begun. Massive siege engines and a Nazgul King versus Gandalf - the war is on! Yep - liked this one!

Chapter 5 - The Ride of the Rohirrim aka yep more horses

I sort of liked the positioning but really this scene is just they’re coming just not yet.

Next week - war!