TBR Updates - May review and June Challenges


I knew May was going to be hectic and it definitely was. Workwise it went well but I am doing better at looking after myself but still a but to go. Having a well earnt week off at the moment then two more busy months before I get to go on a sunny summer holiday - by plane not bus.

As such not to report much on this month and a lot of June is going to be focused on the last three SCKA categories I need to review. But after that I have some time to focus on personal projects once again!

Now how about that TBR update?

Tidy the TBR for Month

Total Books Now Read – 111 (92)

ARCS – 63 (51)

TBR – 48 (41)

June Challenges

For the month with the longest days and plenty of light for reading I thought it was well time to tackle the longest book in the TBR stack. Now big books can instil fear as much as we prize the tomes of our favourite authors. They can be true time sinks and sometimes you really wish the editor was braver but a long book can be an immerisve read in its own right. Checking the shelves the longest once again is by Neal Stephenson tehe hardback of Reamde an SF thriller clocking in at over 1000 pages! Wish me luck!

For my stretch challenge it was to pick a book with a young lead and for this I’m definitely going shorter with a Stephen King crime novel - Later which features a child with extraordinary abilities and a touch of noir.

Let me know your choices in the comments!