March Challenges - A bit later than normal!


I am a little late this month I came back from hols to work to find things a little ka-ka to quote Quantum Leap! So I hope you have already started but other wise for this month’s challenge its that tricky thing in a TBR. A book by a new author.

We all know the way this goes - ooh nice cover…or… that sounds interesting…or…everyone says that book is cool. The book enters TBR and slightly falls backwards as life takes a turn. For all we know though this may be our new favourite book or author. So for March delay that potential gratification no longer! As a bit lackadaisical this month’s pick is Starve Acre by Andrew Michael Hurley from 2019. Who doesn’t like what sounds a short bleak horror story?

For my stretch goal which is a book with a big battle in it I’m going for my US copy of Persephone Station by Stina Leicht that I picked up last year (comes out in the UK soon) – space opera, robots and assassins should count. But if you’ve not got anything like that in TBR I will permit a conflict - be it a dilemma, family issue etc!

My Twelve challenge will be carried over this month as I’m behind on this one, but Easter break should help for a double!

What are your choices. I’ll be back a lot sooner next time!