Tidy The TBR - February Picks


I hope you enjoyed the longest month ever with a lot of books? Hopefully your first challenges are done but if not we have loads of time.

For February I was struck by how often I’d go to a bookshop see that book by one of my favourite authors; get it; get that warm glow of knowing it’s mine and then filing it on a shelf. Why do we do that? I sense we think we don’t deserve to read it before we have read a few dozen others. And I say no longer! For this month’s challenges unlock your hearts and pick that lost book up. Remind yourself why you like this author and perhaps we can learn we are allowed to treat ourselves?

For February the book that is by an author I love is Shirley Jackson’s We Have Always Lived in The Castle - a classic tale I’ve never got around too even despite it being short and supposed to have all my favourite things in it.

For the stretch goal it’s a book that was a gift. Again I think many of these sink to the pile of books as we don’t think we deserve it but why not remind yourselves that your friends did think you should have this book?

For that I’m picking up a copy of The Pursuit of William Abbey by Claire North a friend got signed for me. Another favourite author whose work I love and did not decide was right for me yet.

Lastly for my 12 in 2032 challenge it’s A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske (chosen by Pei) - not a book that I would usually choose. I don’t often like gentle romances but have heard great things we shall see! But felt a suitable read for a Valentines Day month

So tell me what are your choices?