Runalong The Shelves

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The March TBR Challenge and February Update


I knew February was going to be a hard month but blimey that was a month. Something I tend to refer to as the Project of Pain that has dominated five years of my life has finally gone live. The weeks before and after that have been rather busy and some other family stuff too has been going on so I’m hoping for a calmer March with a few breaks in the imminent future. Business as usual for blogging will resume next week (i hope)

Now onto the TBR Update

I finished January on 39 but with a lot less days off that has dropped down to 52

The TBR Pile has now been reduced by 35 and ARCs make up 17. And let’s not forget 1600 pages belong to Ash-A Secret Legacy alone!

Overall not bad especially with a lack of reading time!

Now onto the March Challenge - The Spring Cleaning Challenge

“ You Know that first book of a series you’ve got that you also now know has been finished"? You have my permission to read it at last!"

and a linked Stretch Goal

“ You have my permission to finish the series this year!

The old joke that book collecting and reading are separate hobbies is true. You hear a cool book is out you pick it up and then time passes. You may even have picked up more books in the same series as no doubt one day you’ll have precious time. As Spring is incoming why not tidy the shelves and actually allow yourself to remember why you picked this book up in the first place?

For me inspired by a certain Netflix series I enjoyed (and also never got around to finishing) its time fro me to enter the Grishaverse with Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo - I hear its an inventive series so lets finally find out?

What about you? Tell me in the comments or the social media channel of your choice!