Santa Womble - Thrilllllller Silent Night


And yes the sleigh bells are attached, the tree is up and if you have been naughty or nice then fear not Santa Womble is here to tempt I mean help. For the season here are some ideas for books to get a hold of to thrill you by being erm… thrillers (fear not my end of year recs will also come)

The Replacement Wife by Darby Kane a really eerie one where a woman suspects a man of murder and that another young woman is in his sights. Lovely sense of build up as the danger grows and grows.

The Killing Kind by Jane Casey - a really good dark mystery where a great lead character suffering from a creepy stalker now seems to have someone trying to kill them. I loved the way the tale shows the impact on the lead character who finds her life changed

The Interview by C M Ewan - an intense thriller where a woman’s job interview becomes a dangerous game she is far too deep into and is unsure why its happening to her

Unhinged by Jorn Lier Horst and Thomas Enger - some very dark Nordic noir that returns to our investigative duo of Blix and Ramm but this entry into the series has devastating turns in store for the unsuspecting reader,

Incy Wincy by RJ Dark - The return of Mal and Jackie is welcome indeed and this is a particularly impressive mystery to solve that expands the world and characters - funny, dark and teases the brain too.

The Outfit by David Tallerman — - A dash of history awaits in this thriller all based on historical fact where the leader of the heist will indeed one day be better known as Stalin. A great tale and casts a little light on one of the infamous people of the 20th century.

Night Shadows by Eva Bjorg Aegisdottir — - Off to Iceland for a tale of respectable families who all hide far too many dark secrets

A Scandal in Brooklyn by Lauren Wilkinson — - A really impressive modern take on Irene Adler and a delivers a great hi tech locked room mystery to solve - very refreshing!

Fish Swimming in Dappled Sunlight by Rika Onda (translated by Alison Watts) — - this Japanese thriller is great as we do not know which of our two leads is guilty and its an unusual set up as the past is finally revealed

The Hacker by Daniel Scanlan — - a really gripping tale of cybercrime with a truly memorable villain and also a very interesting lead detective hunting across the world. It may make you rethink your own security measures

Black Is The Night - Stories Inspired by Cornell Woolrich - edited by Maxim Jakubowski — - Off for a trip on the noir side in a very impressive collection of short stories all inspired by one of Noir’s legends