Tidy The TBR challenge - December update and Finale!


oh November you were the cruellest month. Not just a week of gastric flu but then two weeks of Covid - safe to say I shall spare you the details. A lot of time in bed and feeling sorry for myself. Started the new job though but had a lot to catch up on.

Now how has November’s TBR gone?

Tidy The TBR

By the end of November I had read

ARCs - 131 (113)

TBR - 105 (99)

So 236 so far for the year and as a coveted ARC heavy as I think December will be - as I catch up on review copies.

Now for December’s challenge it’s the last book in a series and for me that’s a series I’m honestly not sure if I will ever see a sequel to but it Blind Sight by Carol O’Connell is one of my all time favourite crime series the Mallory series which has a 12th novel I’ve yet to read - it came out in 2016 and I’ve as is my habit never thought I deserved to read one of my own books just yet and of course I don’t like endings. Now there is always a chance a new book will be announced so hey some authors add more to series when they’re dead so we won’t make any aspersions on eligibility here!

The Stretch target is a winter themed book and for that it’s Winterfair Gifts by Lois McMaster Bujold for a return to the Vorkosigan saga

Fear not gentle reader I fresh TBR challenge is imminent!

Now what are you reading this month?

Matthew Cavanaghtidy the tbr